The Governing Body
Giving the school a clear strategic direction
Hello and welcome to the Governors page of our website.
This is a short introduction to Petersgate’s Governing Body and how it works with teaching staff to ensure the best possible learning environment for our children.
Petersgate’s Governing Body is made up of 14 people. Our Head Teacher, one other staff member, four parents, one person who is nominated by the Local Authority and seven people from the local community, these can include other members of staff.
Each Governor’s term lasts for four years, after which an election is held or a new appointment made. The officers of the Governing body including the Chair and Vice Chair are elected annually by the governors.
The full Governing Body meets every half term. The Governing Body is responsible for monitoring, evaluating, improving and challenging through discussion all aspects of school management. It provides help and support to the Head Teacher and the school management team enabling them to carry out their roles effectively. It also works with the school staff to manage the school budget.
From time to time vacancies exist on our Governing Body; any applications can be made to the Clerk of the Governing Body via the school office. Parent Governor Vacancies will be advertised in the school newsletter.
Join the team...
We currently need non-parent governors.
What is a Governor?